Libro de Resúmenes, V COPEBIOT 2021, UNSA

Dear Colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to thank you for your dedication, participation and great scientific contributions you have accomplished at the 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING - 5th Peruvian Congress of Biotechnology and Bioengineering-COPEBIOT 2021 which will be held in virtual mode at National University of San Agustin of Arequipa - UNSA. Arequipa, Peru as planned on August 9 to 13, 2021 and will be online allowing speakers and attendees to participate virtually at the same time.

We invite you to submit abstract if you are specialized in fields mentioned below:

- Molecular Biotechnology

- Synthetic Biotechnology

- Medical Biotechnology

- Environmental Biotechnology

- Aquatic Biotechnology

- Plant Biotechnology

- Food Biotechnology

- Industrial Biotechnology

- Microbial Biotechnology

- Agroindustrial Biotechnology

- Mining Biotechnology

- Biological Engineering

- COVID-19 Biotechnology & Research

-Biotechnological perspectives

Editorial Office:                                       2021, Editor : "Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental - CIIMAR"

Author:   Vitor Vasconcelos                                                                                                                                                Co-authors:                                                                                                                                                                                                 -Antonio M. Lazarte R.                                                                                                                                                            -Ronald Huarachi Olivera 

Below we present the new link of the abstract book V COPEBIOT 2021 on the CIIMAR website, U. Porto with ISBN 978-989-54965-2-5 -->  

You can also find it on this website -------------------------------->  regards and once again thank you very much for your participation. Soon it will be available in the national library of Peru and libraries of universities in the country, we are currently managing the preparation of the book of summaries in physic

Abstract book of V COPEBIOT 2021, in physical form

                   Abstracts of  V COPEBIOT 2021                           Indexing: CIIMAR ISBN codes

Dear speaker of the V COPEBIOT 2021, for your exhibition you can use the following presentation models: 

Option 1: If your presentation is a project

Option 2: If your presentation is a completed work or progress

Option 3: If your presentation is a review, the speaker can freely prepare slides



V-congreso-peruano-de-biotecnologia-y-bioingenieria-2021, Av. Alcides Carrión s/n Pab. Biología 2º Piso
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